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What if we could have a virtual footprint that had an impact on the physical world? 

This footwear design can leave undetectable footprints around the virtual verse. Their function is to cause a hack on avatars who come in contact with them. These avatars would be glitched back into a physical world representation of environmental disasters and social stress environments.

Environmental activists who want to change the system from within would play a big role in leaving a footprint around the virtual verse. These footprints will start to build a complex hidden system with information.
Like the Wood Wide Web and the role mycorrhizae plays, this footwear will have its own language and a greater purpose than just a fantastic piece on our feet.  


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Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. 

This practice relies on earthing science and grounding physics to explain how electrical charges from the earth can have positive effects on your body. This type of grounding therapy isn’t entirely the same as the technique that is used in mental health treatment.

Grounding: Exploring Earthing Science and the Benefits Behind It

As fashion design carves its path through this new virtual world era, I would like to play a role in reminding the players that the wonders of technology and digital can help us have a function during this emergency to assess the climate crisis. It is no secret the fashion industry has not been kind to the earth, and as consumers, we have to start bringing our values to the table when it comes to fashion. 
This cautionary speculative tale approaches the issue of 'disconnection' through 'connection'. We spend most of our hours a day looking at screens. Humans are part of nature, and we need to have physical contact with it. By encouraging people to experience grounding we can start to have a better relationship with ourselves, our consumption habits, and the fascinating technology we are able to use. 

Technology is just a tool anyways, we are the humans behind it, using it

Design by: Lia Leiva

Asisstance by: 

Nils Johannesson

Sanem Özman


June 2022


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